Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Absolut Exhaustion


I've been away visiting my sister for the last few days which is why there's been no blog entry. It was great to catch up with my little sis :-) We even went to the Hamilton Zoo together, which was seriously lacking in lions, camels, pandas and elephants, but the rest was all cool.

I took the bus home last night after a long day with her cause I have an interview this morning for that job I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately I couldn't sleep last night, dunno if it was nerves or what but I think I fell asleep about 4am :-(

So now I'm completely exhausted, but I thought I'd use the Absolut Hunk picture to make me feel a bit better hehe. Oh well, wish me luck for the interview!


Lost American Guy said...

Good luck on the interview, I know what that's like all too well. Anyhow, I got referred and intrigued by your blog and I like your style. Was wondering if you wanna trade blogrolls and we can list each other. Let me know via comment. And, yes, the absolut pic would definitely give me good dreams. Be well, dude.

Andy said...

Hey Ty :-)

Sure that'd be great. Thanks for the comment!