Friday, May 4, 2007

My Geeky Side Shines Through

When I was in primary school I was one of the cool kids, but when I got to high school I ended up being one of the geeks. Looking back, I think I did it deliberately because, and this sounds harsh, 'geeks' didn't get girlfriends, so I didn't seem unusual in that crowd. I didn't end up coming out until 18, when I'd left for university. Anyway the reason I bring that up is because I learned to enjoy computer games and fantasy novels and that sort of thing when I was in high school. Robert Jordans Wheel of Time and Terry Goodkinds Sword Of Truth were the books I enjoyed most.

When I was 15 I had to write a short story for an English project. I wrote about the birth of a child and the death of her mother shortly after childbirth, and the story was in a fantasy setting. I got high praise for it from my teacher and she told me she wanted to read more. She was really an inspirational teacher and it got me to thinking about what would happen in this childs life. Soon other characters started to feature, and I wrote a couple of chapters which I was quite proud of.

Then I got involved in an online game called Neverwinter Nights which is based on dungeons and dragons. I found a game server I enjoyed and started playing characters that I had dreamed up for the novel. It was a roleplaying server so it was a great way to get to suss out how the character thinks and behaves. As time has passed I've found myself thinking more and more about the novel. When I'm reading my mind starts drifting to plans for my own book and then I realize that I've just read a whole page and I can't recall a word of it.

So recently I've started writing again. The chapters I wrote when I was in my teens aren't relevant to the story anymore but I really think this is something I can finish because I have a ton of ideas buzzing around in my head. The picture included is images I found online that represent roughly what some of my characters will look like. Since I'm not an artist I have to go on other peoples work, which is a bit frustrating because I have images of the characters in my head.

In other news, I got the job :D yay me! I start May 28th and I'm pretty stoked about it.


Lost American Guy said...

Congrats on the job! I was also a sorta geek in HS though I was more of a liaison for any given social clique. To my credit, I was unanimously voted, "Class Oddball," in my graduating class. I posed sitting lotus-style on a table in the commons with my arms crossed over my chest as if hiding my breasteses. It's a good pic. Anyhow, congratulations on getting the job again. And thanks for putting on your blogroll.


Andy said...

Cheers Ty :)